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Archive for category Bounce back Education

Mind Body Puzzle

A fracture/dislocation of my ankle skiing Mount Perisher last July, subsequent surgery and 8 weeks non-weight bearing, gave me great insight into the physical and psychological hurdles and time investment needed to get back to a busy and productive work and home life.
I experienced firsthand the many pieces of the puzzle that need to be assessed to achieve optimal functional outcomes and it is very much a mind and body challenge that needs to be addressed both from the bottom up as well as top down. As one of my course slides below shows, there are many factors that feed into the puzzle of minimising pain and disability with individualised weighting to rehab components depending on the individual client.

So the latter half of 2017 saw me focusing rehab goals from each piece of the above puzzle (as an old gluteal tendinopathy issue raised its head again), strength and ergonomic challenges for teaching and not to mention the psychological hurdles of 10 hour work days and returning to skiing with the family.
It’s wonderful to see the current concepts discussed in the ‘Body in Mind’ blog bringing some emphasis back to addressing the needs and requirements of the body while still addressing the mind and psychological aspects of recovery.

As I paced myself towards walking, sledding then skiing Icey /snowy sloped on our winter holiday in the northern hemisphere in January, I was channelling Lorimer Mosley (I even told my kids about his now famous brown snake and the brown twig pain experience) and facing my fears. I do know however, the required surgery, the manual therapy afterwards, the rehab strength, balance and cardio vascular conditioning and the hip tendon program were essential and pivotal to face my fears of skiing Icey 5 km long mountain slopes at 3,000 metres.
So in 2018 Bounce back is committed to provide new online resources backed with face to support clinicians in providing multifaceted and targeted functional and manual therapy strategies to optimise patient outcomes.

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Hip Case Study with Video Assessment

Want to efficiently and effectively diagnose hip dysfunction in a busy clinical setting?

Easier said than done, or is it?.

A video case study gives some new strategies and tests to make the clinical job easier.

What if I told you there is now a simplified flow chart approach to hip differential diagnosis which makes both manual treatment and specific exercise prescription clear and logical. Would it be worth your while to understand a little more? Well in this weeks Blog I provide you with the visual answers to understand the “Hip Differential Diagnosis Flow Chart” and a case study that puts it into practice with videos, as a picture tells a thousand words!

How much were we really taught about differential diagnosis and treatment of the hip in Undergraduate courses? Not very much at all, but via advances in hip imaging, arthroscopic surgery as well as muscle and tendon research, our knowledge about how the hip should be assessed and rehabilitated has exploded in the past 5 years.

During my Sports Physiotherapy Specialist preparations, it became clear that there are well in excess of 50 hip tests that are recommended for effective differential diagnosis of the hip as pathology is so widely varied. Authorities on the hip agree that differential diagnosis is the key and must be considered and addressed to optimise performance, but so often a combination of presenting signs and symptoms leaves the health professional confused and frustrated, even if you have remembered all of those 50+ tests.
The trick to understanding the hip lies in using a visual flow chart that divides presenting hip pathologies into 5 different categories and understand that more than 1 issue can be present and muddy the water. Using the flow chart approach to hip diagnosis will keep you on track to seeing the whole hip picture clearly.
Hip Differential Flowchart
The 5 categories that all assessment strategies from the beginning should aim to deferentially diagnose are:

  • 1) Inflammation/sensitisation
  • 2) Poor dynamic control/instability
  • 3) Hip Intra articular pathology
  • 4) Hip extra articular pathology
  • 5) Tendon issues

Once the presenting issues are identified and demystified, a treatment and exercise program can be designed with an evidence based rehab strategy. The case study link using Powerpoint and video shows part of an assessment protocol differentiating between anterior hip stiffness and anterior hip instability.

If the hip excites or confuses you….

join me at my upcoming 2-day Hip Course to be held at Newcastle 22-23 September 2018 ($828) – or book via the APA portal if you are a APA member


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Free Hip Rehab Exercise Grid

Want to really understand  Hip rehab from the inside out? Here is a free resource with the answers.Tile_50_Hip

Why do some patients flare with exercises that should work to improve hip and dynamic function? 

We have all had those patients  that keep you awake at night thinking: why does their hip or pelvic pain keep flaring with Pilates and hip strengthening exercises that you know work with other clients? I know the term “psychological issues” is the  easy answer,  but make sure  you don’t throw the baby out with the bath water, by ignoring  local hip structures that may create a cascade of pain responses, cortical motor control inhibition and emotion.

I  spend many of my clinical hours seeing  complex  hip pain clients referred by Orthopaedic/Sports Specialists,  Physio colleagues and insurance companies asking for a multifaceted rehab strategy. Obviously psychological strategies  must always be considered and addressed  but differential diagnosis  of often  a combination of presenting
musculo-skeletal issues is also key! Once the presenting issues are identified and demystified,  a treatment and exercise program can be  designed with an evidence based  rehab strategy.

All the knowledge I have gathered and developed regarding hip-related issues as part of my Sports Physio Specialisation qualifications, I have put together in a comprehensive  but  easy-to-follow format in the Hip Rehab Exercise Grid which I offer to you totally free Click here to access. This is a must-have resource that you can start using today, with my compliments. My passion has always been to impart knowledge for the maximum good and if this knowledge helps you and your clients, then the years that have gone into understanding the hips have been worthwhile.

Want to know more and see the Hip Rehab Exercise Grid theory and exercises demonstrated and explained? Then choose from our 8 part “Optimising the Hip” online series Click to view our special offer including 2 for the price of 1  or join me for a Hip knowledge and food feast on my course Hip Differential Diagnosis and Prescriptive Exercises on March 19/20th, Holiday Inn Mascot Sydney. Believe me, the food and venue is second to none.

As a “great to see you face to face gift” I have decided to give all participants who attend the face to face course, the entire 8 online series “Optimising the Hip” completely free, so the understanding and learning can keep happening months after our time together on the course.

So whatever level of knowledge  you are looking for to  fill in your own clinical gaps in hip rehab, I  hope  reading this post and the free resources have made the time you have invested worthwhile. Sincerely Trish Wisbey-Roth, Specialist Sports Physiotherapist ( FACP)


These issues are identified and individual exercises are demonstrated in the new 8-part online Optimising the Hip video series.  This series consists of 8 Modules of approx 30 – 40 minutes each, ideally paced as a practical tutorial for  physiotherapists.Hip_Series

Click to view our special offers including 2 for the price of 1.




For practical applications of the exercises included in this guide, you may be interested in attending my upcoming 2-day Hip course to be held in at Sydney Airport (Holiday Inn) from 19-20 March 2016. Hurry, strictly limited to 25 participants.

If the hip excites or confuses you….

join me at my upcoming 2-day Hip Course to be held at APA Sydney Rooms 5-6 August 2017 ($828) – or book via the APA portal if you are a APA member


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Enrol for 2-part 3D Lumbo Pelvic-Assessment & Motor Control course

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Trish Wisbey-Roth 2015 courses




14 – 17 May 2015 in Sydney


Assessment & Treatment of the Pelvic Complex and Lumbar Spine (Part 1)

  • 3D anatomy, Biomechanics and assessment of the lumbar spine and pelvic complex.
  • A clear differential diagnostic algorithm for SIJ dysfunction outlined in practical sessions.
  • Comprehensive assessment of lumbar spine structural and neural issues.
  • Effective treatment for SIJ and lumbar spine problems specific for dysfunction.

Thursday, 14th May – Friday, 15th May

Cost:  $685.00

Optimising Motor Control of the Lumbar, Pelvic and Hip Region (Part 2)

  • A detailed outline of the dynamic slings of the lumbar pelvic and hip regions and how they relate to individual patient presentation.
  • A specific and graded assessment protocol for lumbo pelvic and hip dysfunction.
  • Detailing practical strategies that can be incorporated into rehabilitation and maintenance training programs to optimise dynamic lumbo/pelvic/hip control and proprioception.
  • Detailed exercise handouts included in the training manual that can be applied in the clinic immediately.

Saturday, 16th May – Sunday, 17th May

Cost:  $685.00

** Special Offer:  Enrol into the 4 day multi-course option to attend Part 1 and Part 2 over 4 days and save 15% on enrolment cost.  Enrolment fee:  $1164.50 (15% saving)

Go to:

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New online Physiotherapy video resource – just a click away

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Introducing a new collection of Bounce Back Education online training videos. Research-based, practical and specific information that can be put into immediate use in your practice.

This first is an  8-part Hip Optimising Series priced at the special discounted price of $99.50.
This series consists of 8 Modules of approx 30 – 40 minutes each, ideally paced as a practical tutorial for physiotherapists.  1 – Dysfunction Specific Exercise Therapy to Optimise Hip Function 2 – Dysfunctional Patterns of Abdominals and Adductors 3 – Retraining of Deep Stabilisers of the Hip: Illiacus, quad fem, glut med 4 – Exercises to Decrease Hip Muscle Spasm (Part A & B) 5 – Gluteal Tendinopathies for Optimal Hip Function 6 – Optimise Gluteal Function for Performance 7 – Adductor (+/- tendinopathy) and VMO 8 – Hip Flexor (+/- tendinopathy)
There are also a number of resources and handouts that can be downloaded which are a valuable resource for you and your patients. You’ll have access to these intensely practical modules no matter where you are, what time it is, at your own pace and as often as you’d like.

To purchase go to:


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