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Posts Tagged Physio

Interested in working with elite athletes to help them to achieve their best?

This post gives you a behind-the-scenes look at world record and Olympian aerial skier, Lydia Lassila’s journey from debilitating back pain which made her contemplate retirement to a world-record at the last winter Olympics.

Lydia Lassila Olympics

It’s hard to comprehend the commitment need for an athlete to perform ski landings sustaining up to 9x body weight when they are experiencing pain just turning over in bed. This was the stark reality that Lydia was faced with when returning to her sport after the birth of her first child. I was asked by the winter Olympic team to assess the possibility of Lydia getting back to her best. After a detailed examination, it became apparent Lydia needed 3 phases to her rehabilitation program:

Phase 1) Minimise aggravating lifestyle and sporting activities combined with manual therapy and specific muscle activation strategies. Pacing and flare-up strategies were a must.

Phase 2) Retrain Lydia’s movement patterns for aerial-skiing by breaking the movement sequence down into small pieces that could be practised on water in Switzerland, to minimise impact.

Phase 3) Building elite muscle strength, finely-tuned with concentric and eccentric muscle programming in specific joint angles needed by Lydia to form the complex movement patterns required for aerial skiing and the high-impact landing.

For your benefit, attached is a link to a case study covering the behind-the-scenes rehabilitation program which I designed for Lydia. This program was undertaken by Lydia and led her back to full recovery, an Olympic medal at Socchi and becoming the first woman to ever perform a quadruple somersault in aerial skiing.

Lydia Lasilla case study file

Recently Lydia interviewed me on the strategies required to overcome long-standing back pain and some of the new and innovative strategies we are using at Bounce back.  In her own words Lydia talks about her own rehabilitation experience.

Lydia’s rehab experience and her interview of Trish Wisbey-Roth



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New online Physiotherapy video resource – just a click away

video pic clicky

Introducing a new collection of Bounce Back Education online training videos. Research-based, practical and specific information that can be put into immediate use in your practice.

This first is an  8-part Hip Optimising Series priced at the special discounted price of $99.50.
This series consists of 8 Modules of approx 30 – 40 minutes each, ideally paced as a practical tutorial for physiotherapists.  1 – Dysfunction Specific Exercise Therapy to Optimise Hip Function 2 – Dysfunctional Patterns of Abdominals and Adductors 3 – Retraining of Deep Stabilisers of the Hip: Illiacus, quad fem, glut med 4 – Exercises to Decrease Hip Muscle Spasm (Part A & B) 5 – Gluteal Tendinopathies for Optimal Hip Function 6 – Optimise Gluteal Function for Performance 7 – Adductor (+/- tendinopathy) and VMO 8 – Hip Flexor (+/- tendinopathy)
There are also a number of resources and handouts that can be downloaded which are a valuable resource for you and your patients. You’ll have access to these intensely practical modules no matter where you are, what time it is, at your own pace and as often as you’d like.

To purchase go to:


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