Bounce Back Classes
Bounce Back Classes
Bounce Back Classes
Bounce Back Classes
Bounce Back Classes


Mind Body Puzzle

A fracture/dislocation of my ankle skiing Mount Perisher last July, subsequent surgery and 8 weeks non-weight bearing, gave me great insight into the physical and psychological hurdles and time investment needed to get back to a busy and productive work and home life.
I experienced firsthand the many pieces of the puzzle that need to be assessed to achieve optimal functional outcomes and it is very much a mind and body challenge that needs to be addressed both from the bottom up as well as top down. As one of my course slides below shows, there are many factors that feed into the puzzle of minimising pain and disability with individualised weighting to rehab components depending on the individual client.

So the latter half of 2017 saw me focusing rehab goals from each piece of the above puzzle (as an old gluteal tendinopathy issue raised its head again), strength and ergonomic challenges for teaching and not to mention the psychological hurdles of 10 hour work days and returning to skiing with the family.
It’s wonderful to see the current concepts discussed in the ‘Body in Mind’ blog bringing some emphasis back to addressing the needs and requirements of the body while still addressing the mind and psychological aspects of recovery.

As I paced myself towards walking, sledding then skiing Icey /snowy sloped on our winter holiday in the northern hemisphere in January, I was channelling Lorimer Mosley (I even told my kids about his now famous brown snake and the brown twig pain experience) and facing my fears. I do know however, the required surgery, the manual therapy afterwards, the rehab strength, balance and cardio vascular conditioning and the hip tendon program were essential and pivotal to face my fears of skiing Icey 5 km long mountain slopes at 3,000 metres.
So in 2018 Bounce back is committed to provide new online resources backed with face to support clinicians in providing multifaceted and targeted functional and manual therapy strategies to optimise patient outcomes.