Bounce Back Classes
Bounce Back Classes
Bounce Back Classes
Bounce Back Classes
Bounce Back Classes

Sustainable Spinal Strength & Stability

Removing Pain while changing the way your patients move and think for real long-term results.

Delivery Modes

The BOUNCE back exercise program is highly flexible to suit the operations of most busy practices. The exercise program can be used in one-on-one consultations as well as being perfectly suited and specifically designed for group exercise classes. BOUNCE back is the only rehabilitation program to encompass all the elements of physiotherapy training, structured exercise programming with progressions, including standardised reviews and updates. Exercise combinations and techniques are drawn from a developed pool of over 300 different exercises to make up this highly flexible and effective program.

Complete an expression of interest form today or contact us for more information.

Group Exercise Classes

Structured Group Exercise Program – each of the BOUNCE back exercise modes has been designed for delivery in a group environment. There are many benefits to group classes including shared goals, support infrastructure and a relaxed exercise and rehabilitation environment for both patients and the trainer. Typically delivered over an eight week period, each patient will receive their own easy-to-follow, take-home instruction sheet each week and follow a structured, gradual and graded progression over the period to achieve noticeable goals at the end of the course.

Bounce back classes have helped many to manage their back problems and eliminated the associated pain.  The thorough and innovative treatments have restored  balance and co-ordination in many patients.

One-On-One Sessions

BOUNCE back sessions are highly flexible in structure and are easily utilized for one-on-one delivery. The sessions can be structured to suit each individual patient's circumstances. One-on-one sessions have been found to suit those early on in the program who are having particular difficulty with motor retraining, fitting into a class schedule, or where an individual emphasis can advance them to a stage where a group program may be more suitable (and profitable).

Bounce Back Classes