Bounce Back Classes
Bounce Back Classes
Bounce Back Classes
Bounce Back Classes
Bounce Back Classes

Sustainable Spinal Strength & Stability

Removing Pain while changing the way your patients move and think for real long-term results.

Backed By Research

The BOUNCE back system utilises a large range of back exercises specifically designed to optimise the function of the spinal stabilising muscles. While high quality evidence exists to support the use of spinal muscle retraining regimes in patients with non-acute spinal dysfunction; actual outcomes for these regimes, until now, had yet to be established. In order to determine the efficacy of the BOUNCE back exercise system in patients with spinal dysfunction, an outcomes investigation has been undertaken to formally validate the BOUNCE back method of rehabilitation.                 

It was found that after only 8 weeks of BOUNCE back classes that levels of both pain and disability had significantly improved by p < 0.001.

Data continues to be collected for all patients, from multiple providers and locations throughout Australia, who participate in the BOUNCE back program. It has long been known that the BOUNCE back active rehabilitation system is able to deliver very positive outcomes for patients. However, findings from the BOUNCE back research program, carried out on the Beginners Level 1 Lower Body Classes, have shown significant improvement in both pain and function over only an 8 week period for both acute and recurrent (greater than 12 weeks) groups.

This is the first study of its kind to show the effectiveness of the BOUNCE back spinal stability program on pain and function over such a short period.

Complete an expression of interest form today or contact us for more information.

Bounce Back Classes